
Tasty Card Game: Cooking Noodles

Created by Scatter Games

2-4 players card game. Noodles, Ingredients, and Chinese specialty Seasonings to choose from. Create your favorite noodle combinations.

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The Creation of "Cooking Noodles"
about 1 year ago – Wed, Jul 19, 2023 at 08:50:47 AM

各位​ uu 好!

Greetings, friends! (noodle lovers)


I am Ayi, co-designer of "Cooking Noodles". And today I'd like to share some behind-the-scenes tidbits about the creation of "Cooking Noodles"!

它的开始是某一天和 hyper 聊到了中国面食各地的​特色浇头,有的就像做菜一样,再淋到面条上。

Our journey began one day when I was chatting with Hyper about the distinctive toppings and sauces from various Chinese noodle dishes. Some of these toppings are prepared just like cooking a dish, then poured over the noodles.


Take the "Wan Za Mian" for example, which consists of soft-cooked peas and a pre-made meat sauce topping, paired with seasoned noodles. The refreshing aroma of the peas perfectly counterbalances the richness of the meat sauce, creating an utterly delicious combination when seasoned right!


For our card game, we've chosen to represent this with the more commonly known soybeans and trust me, it's just as tasty!


Speaking of which, there's a Chongqing noodle shop near my place that serves an amazing "Wan Za Mian". Stay tuned, and I'll share their exclusive seasoning recipe with you all!

另外,给大家重点介绍下我们head of duo ,大福——

Moreover, let me introduce our CEO, Daifuku –

可以有威严霸总 feel,也可以是萌萌小可爱!

He can have a dignified and commanding presence, or he can be an adorably cute little figure!

啊! 猫猫可爱是我们坚持努力干活的动力!

Oh! The cuteness of cats is what drives us to work hard and stay passionate!